Mort d’Isabelle Caro : “Anorexie et désir mimétique” de René Girard sur le blog de Mark Anspach

mardi 15 février 2011

La mort du mannequin anorexique Isabelle Caro est survenue en novembre, sa mère s’est suicidée en janvier. Mark Anspach analyse ces événements choquants à la lumière du livre « Anorexie et désir mimétique » de René Girard.

“Coming so soon after her daughter’s death, Marie Caro’s suicide has reopened the debate about the causes of anorexia. Is imitation of ultra-thin models to blame – or are girls like her stunted by clinging mothers who won’t let go? Isabelle didn’t hesitate to blame Mom for wanting her to stay a child, yet she herself will be remembered as the skinny model who denounced the fad for skinny models. In an unsettling way, anorexia became her ticket to stardom…”

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